Welcome to Selbi

Everything starts from Natalina Selmo’s determination to fulfil her dream: she wanted to set up her own company, a place where she could develop and realize her creative ideas.

In 1989, after a 20-year experience of running a company together with some business partners, she decides it is time to start her own company with the help of her husband Antonio. A family-owned company is born out of this decision: the SELBI Company. The name comes from the fusion of Natalina’s and Selmo’s surnames (Selmo and Bisognin), thus representing the joining of their two lives.

The SELBI Company is established on 2nd June 1989.

The founding philosophy will be that of offering the customer the best possible value at all times. Thanks to the technical know-how that has been developed during the years, the SELBI Company has been able to establish itself as a reputable company both by providing high-quality goods with its own label and also by offering a complete and reliable service as a contractor to the businesses which have chosen it as their supplier.

After having obtained their university degree and having gained relevant working experience abroad, Isabella and Laura Stella, two of Natalina’s five daughters, join the family business. Having grown up steeped in their mother’s creative energy, they naturally fit into the company and, right from the very beginning, they have been able to manage the Production, Sales and Finance Department successfully.

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